Focus On – A Liberatory Psychoanalysis

A Liberatory Psychoanalysis: Towards a Freedom of Mind and Body

Paola M. Contreras, Psy.D. , Co-presenter Diya Kallivayalil, Ph.D.

Friday May 6 & 13, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM, Pacific Time

Exploring cases of human trafficking through a liberatory psychoanalytic lens

flyerIn this two-part seminar the presenters will outline how psychoanalysis is a treatment that since its inception was developed to search for, discover, and liberate profound and painful repressions. From a liberatory perspective, the social contributions to deep and pain ridden repressions are undeniable. Hence, the psychoanalytic approach requires attention to the intrapsychic and the contextual, which the presenters will explain with relevant theories. Two cases that involve human trafficking and other extreme forms of subjugation will guide an explanation of psychoanalysis applied as a tool of liberation, and how the approach can deliver back a sense of freedom and creative potential. Another crucial point of discussion will consider what it requires of the therapist or psychoanalyst to work with populations impacted by extreme traumas. The presenters will consider how a liberatory model can protect the practitioner from burnout. This seminar will be useful to clinicians already working with trauma and interested in learning about a psychoanalytic and liberatory perspective. Early career and advanced practitioners are all welcome. For those already familiar with psychoanalysis, the seminar offers the opportunity to deepen knowledge about using psychoanalysis as a liberatory tool.

CE Credits offered: 3

Course Objectives

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  1. Participants will be able to describe at least two theories that contribute to the development of psychoanalysis as a liberatory tool.
  2. Participants will learn how to apply psychoanalytic technique in a manner that is trauma-sensitive and socially aware.
  3. Participants will increase their knowledge about internal positions and external supports that decrease the likelihood of burnout when working with trauma. – 415-288-4050 — 530 Bush St, Suite 700, SF CA USA —

The Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California (PINC) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. PINC maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Visit for policies and disclaimers.

2 sessions, May 6 and 13

May 6th, 2022 3:30 PM
Online via Zoom (Pacific Time Zone)
United States
Event Fee(s)
General Admission $ 55.00
PINC Members $ 45.00
Students and Candidates $ 35.00
(3) CE Credits $ 30.00